If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

Hepatitis C: Creative development research targeting South Asian groups

Overall objective: To understand responses to the creative concepts.

More specifically, to identify:

Healthy foundations lifestage segmentation: Quantitative research report

This research consisted of a quantitative segmentation followed up by qualitative research.  The objectives of the quantitative research were to develop a fully robust and quantified, strategic and holistic population based health segmentation for England.

Respiratory and hand health among mothers: Qualitative research

The overall purpose of the research was to examine reactions of the target audience to the creative ideas against the campaign objectives and ascertain their potential to prompt the desired response.

Extending maternity choices: Insight desk research

The overall aim was to synthesise the current evidence on the knowledge and attitudes in relation to choices in maternity provision.  Within this aim, the review was required to address the following objectives:

Patient choice research amongst ethnic minorities: Qualitative research

The main research objective was to provide deeper insight into awareness and understanding of patient choice amongst different ethnic minority groups. 

More specifically, the research aimed to:

  • Map the patient decision making process from the point of referral to their actual hospital appointment
  • Explore views of the existing campaign message and information materials in terms of style, tone, language, channels, imagery etc.

FRANK: Evaluation with those who work with children and young people

The broad objectives of the research were to explore the extent to which front line workers involved with looked-after children and young people feel that FRANK:

Youth facing websites: Qualitative research

The business objective for this research was to provide evidence to inform a decision on whether the websites for two campaigns (“Know Your Limits” – alcohol campaign and “Condoms: Essential Wear” – sexual health campaign) could feasibly be incorporated into a potential ‘Youth Portal’ site. The Youth Portal site would potentially contain information on various topics from government departments. The overarching research objective was to understand the strengths and weaknesses of hosting information on a potential portal-type website, compared to the current arrangements.