If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

If you work on a public sector health campaign, the chances are that someone else somewhere is working on the same issue. One Stop Shop offers health professionals a chance to share unpublished research and information on consumer knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviour across a range of public health priorities.

Teenage pregnancy strategy: Evaluation tracking survey

Evaluation Objectives

The aims of the evaluation are to assess progress towards the goals of the Teenage Pregnancy strategy and to provide data to assist in the effective implementation of the strategy. Specifically its aims are:

Ruthinking.co.uk campaign: Evaluation research

Specific objectives of the research were to:

  • develop a user profile of individuals visiting the RUThinking.co.uk website
  • determine reasons for visiting
  • establish what visitors thought of the site and how it could be improved
  • investigate requirements for future services.

'Sexwise': Caller satisfaction survey report

This survey aimed to evaluate the current level of caller satisfaction and to compare this with the previous surveys. Callers to the Helpline were asked to take part in a short interview with an independent interviewer after completing their conversation with the Sexwise adviser.

Youth facing websites: Qualitative research

The business objective for this research was to provide evidence to inform a decision on whether the websites for two campaigns (“Know Your Limits” – alcohol campaign and “Condoms: Essential Wear” – sexual health campaign) could feasibly be incorporated into a potential ‘Youth Portal’ site. The Youth Portal site would potentially contain information on various topics from government departments. The overarching research objective was to understand the strengths and weaknesses of hosting information on a potential portal-type website, compared to the current arrangements.

FRANK: Qualitative research with vulnerable young people

The research was designed to explore the views of a cross-section of vulnerable young people with a view to:

National child measurement programme: Qualitative research

  • Understand how parents want the information about their child's weight presented to them
  • Identify concerns parents may have about the information within the letters and leaflets
  • Gauge understanding of the content and meaning of the information in terms of the National Child Measurement Programme [NCMP] programme, where to go for further information and the healthy living tips
  • Understand what expectations parents have as a result of receiving the letters

Child obesity: Segmentation research

The main purpose of the project is to quantify the segments of parents of children aged 2-10 in terms of their attitudes to healthy eating and physical activity, and the behaviours (positive or negative) they demonstrate within these areas, considering socio-economic, ethnic, and geographic differences.

Research with key BME communities around childhood obesity: Qualitative research

The purpose of this study was to provide practical guidelines on developing culturally appropriate interventions targeted at priority ethnic minority communities. It looked at understanding by the Black African, the Bangladeshi and the Pakistani communities in terms of:

  • The issues relevant to obesity, such as eating a healthy diet and taking physical exercise, risks of childhood obesity and sources of information on these
  • Current eating and physical activity behaviours
  • How it would be possible to change behaviour

Comparative analysis of national information helplines

This report provides a comparative overview of results of a study designed to evaluate levels of caller satisfaction with four government helplines.

Teenage pregnancy: Research report

The principle aim of this study was to develop key learnings about teenage sex, pregnancy, contraception and STIs that could be transferred and utilised in a successful communications campaign. More specifically: